Introducing the Dog-Apple
Well, you've heard of crab apples? So now here is the dog-apple!
An early Spring variety which overwinters on the tree. Gives off an amazing scent which can be smelled by dogs from miles around! What a useful addition to help fill the hungry gap when there is little else in the garden. Leo loves it!
Sugar Cane - Update
You might remember that on 21st March just 10 days ago I planted 3 short lengths of sugar cane which I had bought in Madeira. You can see that on the joints there are some little shoots.
Well, look what's happened just 10 days later!
Grow Your Own!
The Peach Blossom in the fruit garden at RHS Wisley is looking fantastic.
I went to the RHS Grow Your Own weekend at RHS Wisley yesterday. To be honest I was a bit disappointed. Just a few staff on a bit of field showing you how to dig, how to plant potatoes and how to plant a tree. Then in the model vegetable garden there was a glum looking gardener with a cowboy hat answering questions. No tents, no exhibition, no stalls, no market, no shopping.. it was widely advertised, and if 70% of all seeds now sold are vegetable seeds, I was expecting more!
So I went for a lovely walk elsewhere in the gardens. Peaches grown in the UK have to be kept fairly dry during Winter to protect them from moisture, so they are mostly grown under glass, or protected from the rain with a plastic sheet.
The Award of Garden Merit

The official criteria for awarding an RHS AGM are:
* It must be of outstanding excellence for ordinary garden decoration or use
* It must be commercially available
* It must be of good constitution
* It must not require highly specialist growing conditions or care
* It must not be particularly susceptible to any pest or disease*
* It must not be subject to an unreasonable degree of reversion in its vegetative or floral characteristics.
So next time you are going through a seed catalogue trying to choose a new variety, I have found the RHS AGM to be a good recommendation.
Matron's Garden Helper..
It felt like the warmest day of the year so far here in London. Beautiful, bright sunshine all day so I spent the day hard at work. The soil was just a little damp, but perfect for weeding. The greenhouse was hot and bright and my little seedlings are romping away.
But Matron has a new garden helper...
Growing Sugar Cane!
Matron loves to try growing new and exotic things on her patch! Well, I couldn't resist buying a length of sugar cane in the market and giving it a go!.
I have heard that it is possible to grow sugar cane in a pot in a greenhouse here, so I looked up the cultivation instructions on the internet.
On this piece, at each joint there happens to be a little new shoot already. Cultivation instructions suggest cutting the cane into lengths which contain 2 or 3 shoots.
Fruit and Veg
Well it really was a case of too much to do and too little time to do it! Just a couple of days in Madeira wasn't enough.
One of my favourite places in the world is the fruit and veg market in Funchal. Baskets of locally grown exotic fruit and veg just waiting to be eaten.
These custard apples are just a world away from the hard green efforts that you can sometimes buy here. All the fruit in Madeira is ripe and sweet and out of this world!
After all that shopping Matron just had to put her feet up for a while, sip some Madeira wine and watch the ships sail into the harbour!
I had time to fit in a helecopter flight round the island too! Matron just loves helecopters!
I have always called this the 'Labrador Market' but the Mercado dos Lavradores is the Portugese name for the main market in Funchal. Leo pricked up his ears when I told him there was a Labrador market in Madeira!
Though Matron did make a few friends among the strays walking the streets out there!
A trip to the Botanical Garden was fascinating, alongside the flowers (Matron does not do flowers) there was an edible garden. Amazing to see how coffee, bananas, guavas and sugar cane grow. I managed to bring back a length of sugar cane which I will attempt to grow in a pot in the greenhouse. Bob Flowerdew has managed it, so Matron will humbly follow in his footsteps and have a go! More later!
Filling the Hungry Gap!
By all accounts I am lucky to have purple sprouting broccoli this year.
The cold Winter seems to have devastated the commercial crops but a few of my early PSB 'Rudolph' have done quite well. This is one of the better shows, early pickings like this are tender and tasty. Leave them a few weeks more and they can become fibrous and chewy. I will certainly leave one of the plants to flower because the bees just adore PSB flowers! If you get a chance to let any of your brassicas go to flower then please do! You will encourage the bees to come and pollinate the rest of your patch.
My Bishop's Kiss chilli are continuing to grow nicely in the heated propagator in the greenhouse. They need such a long growing season they are one of the few things that has to be planted this early. I am probably going to plant a few tomato seeds next week.
Another little experiment in Matron's greenhouse is this first early new potato 'Rocket'. I planted it in a pot in the heated propagator a few weeks ago. I will keep re-potting it and I hope to have an early crop of new potatoes at Easter! Just about the time when the seed potatoes will be going in the ground outdoors! The traditional time to plant new potatoes according to the garden calendar is Good Friday!
Matron is off to the sunny island of Madeira for a couple of days sunshine and luxury. Baxoon!
Veggies can wait!
This blog is supposed to be about growing veggies, but I know you will forgive a little indulgence.
Leo was a stray! someone left him on the streets of London and didn't bother to look for him. Aside from a little arthritis in his joints he is still full of life! Like all Labradors, Leo loves his food - so getting him to eat his veggies will not be a problem!

Some Happy News!
This is Leo!
Need I say more? Leo came home today. 11 year old Labrador that someone else didn't want - can you imagine that? I'm sure you will be hearing more from him as he settles into his new home. What a lucky boy!
First Fruits
The sun was shining today. But I still had to scrape the ice off my car windscreen this morning so there is no warmth in it yet.
Never mind! The days are getting longer and the veggies are responding to it. Just look at this lovely first crop of Purple Sprouting Broccoli. Tender and sweet - I steamed it while it was still squealing! Delicious.

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