After all the waiting, all the netting and the protection given - my
PSB is in full flood! The taste and texture of freshly picked broccoli is out of this world. This time of year there is virtually no danger of finding any critters on the leaves as it is too cold outside so they barely need rinsing under the cold tap before plunging into a steamer for about 5 minutes. When cooked these were a vivid, vivid green colour. Just dosed with a little butter - it makes all the hard work worth while.

I found some
Vivaldi salad potatoes for sale in Sainsburys a couple of weeks ago. Ate some then forgot about the few remaining in the sack. A couple of days ago I discovered they had started to sprout, so I brought a couple into the light to chit for a while. These Vivaldi potatoes are a new variety advertised in the Thompson & Morgan catalogue. Thought I might plant these into a large container and see what happens.

purple podded peas are doing well since planting out a couple of weeks ago. Since I pinched out the lead shoot there are several shoots coming from the plant now. They are just beginning to climb up the pole. Looking good.