Here's a question for you! If you were hypothetically marooned on a desert island, which three plants would you take with you? A fantastic challenge posed at
Shirls Gardenwatch blog.

Well, of course they would have to be edible.
Matron doesn't do flowers - you can't eat flowers! I would have to have an apple tree. There is no happier place for me than in a pregnant apple orchard in Autumn just surrounded by nature's abundance.

Leeks are an old and faithful friend! Leeks are there for you when all other less hardy souls have perished! No garden should be without leeks, and no desert island should be either! Ted Junior and Ted Senior agree!

I am just bowled over by this pumpkin
Rouge Vif D'Etamps. A stunning colour, an abundant flesh which keeps for months (I have just finished my last one!) and I can always imagine in my darker moments on this desert island that I am Cinderella and my pumpkin is about to take me to the ball!!