Well, it's all just shooting up at the moment down on the allotment! Whilst it is still very warm we have had a well needed and sustained period of rain - and I mean proper rain, not just 'wet air'. The potatoes are doubled in size and sitting bolt upright on the soil. The runner beans are sending up shoots and have just started finding their way up the bean poles. The tomatoes have grown about another 8" and I have had to tie them up twice in a week. This tomato pictured is one I have not tried before called 'Ildi' . It is supposed to be a small yellow, grape sized tomato but I have never seen anything like it! The trusses of flowers are collossal ! I would say about every 3rd leaf joint there is a truss of about a hundred flowers. I should think they are pretty small. My 'Harlequin' tomatoes have set their first fruit. They were the earliest last year, and have done the same this year.
I ate my first strawberry today. It was incredible. Such flavour you would never get anywhere else. I also did a fair bit of weeding today in between showers and dog walking (don't you just love the smell of wet dog?) anyway, weeds come up easily in this damp soil. Cleared a hundred weight of bindweed from my potatoes, and dug some very small dock plants. Weeding must be done diligently and persistently - you might just get the upper hand when it matters.