Matron is back!

Norway is such a beautiful country, this is Geiranger Fjord which has been listed on the UNESCO world heritage site as being of outstanding beauty.

Can you smell the fresh air?

It is fairly damp a lot of the time in Norway but we had some sunny days too.

The Norwegians are very keen on their soft fruit, this seems to suit their climate and they are very keen on making jam from berries such as rose hips, rowan berries, blue berries and all sorts of other soft fruit which appreciates the climate. The Norwegian strawberries were the best I have ever tasted - and that includes my own! You could smell these from yards away!

Rowan trees are in blossom at the moment high in the mountains, they will produce vibrant orange berries in the Autumn.

I couldn't resist visiting any local markets I came across. All their fruit and vegetables are bright, clean and unblemished.

The tomatoes must have been greenhouse grown in the South of the country.

Their rhubarb was a dark red colour and the turnips were whiter than white. More updates later when I have inspected my own garden.