More Salmon Flowered Peas
I've picked my first batch of this old heritage variety Salmon Flowered Pea.
They are very easy to shell, they pop open easily.
There are between 3 and 6 peas in each pod which isn't a lot by modern standards but you would expect this from an older variety. They are a lighter green colour than some other peas.
I wasn't struck by the flavour and texture when they were cooked though. For me, they tasted similar to a marrowfat pea and had quite a dense, grainy texture. Not the best tasting pea. I will be saving the rest of the crop on the vine to dry to use for seeds.
Meanwhile in the greenhouse I am thrilled with this Tiffany F1 cucumber. There are lots more to come! This is an all female variety so there are no male flowers at all.
These Country Taste beefsteak tomatoes are doing well in the greenhouse. I am trying to keep them well watered and fed, but in this heat it is difficult to get the balance right in a hot greenhouse.