My heritage beans
'Mrs Fortunes' have just started to crop. These lovely purple specked beans are coming thick and fast now. But there is a problem...

Something has been eating the leaves. Blog readers were kind enough to suggest who might be a culprit for eating my runner bean flowers so I thought I might put it out to you to see who it is this time.

Was it slugs? blackbirds? snails? deer? Great big chunks of leaf are disappearing at the base of the plant.

Previously with my runner beans I had been wondering why the flowers weren't setting, I thought they were being eaten. One of the suggestions was that the dry weather didn't suit runner beans who like a moist atmosphere to aid pollination.

We haven't had rain here for months, so I started spraying the runner bean foliage each day as well as keeping the roots wet.

And hey presto! runner beans have set! A moist atmosphere helps the flowers pollinate and the runner beans have been setting.
So why are my climbing beans Mrs Fortunes being eaten?
I found out today...
It wasn't a slug.