Also, don't forget to take a picture of your canine garden helper for Matron's 2010 Dogblog and email it to me by 29th September. Include your blog address if you want me to put in a link too!
Too Many Courgettes?
It seems to be fairly common this time of year to have just too many courgettes, gardeners just don't know what to do with them.
I had an idea.
I had been hanging on to this dill pickle spice mix, but didn't grow any cucumbers this year, so as I love the taste of dill pickles (we call them gherkins here in England) I thought I would try using the mix on courgettes instead.
I cut, salted, rinsed and dried the slices of courgettes, then pickled them in jars with the spice mix vinegar. Will have to wait a couple of weeks to see how they turned out!
Thought you might like to see who I found lurking under a patch of weeds today! It just goes to show how readily nature takes over your plot if you just leave a little wild patch of weeds in the corner! I don't think this type of slug actually does most damage to veggies. It is the smaller mottled grey ones that do the damage!
And I'm still smiling this evening because a Hurricane and a Spitfire flew over my back garden today! This is part of the Battle of Britain memorial flight (minus the Lancaster) practising a few moves over RAF Northolt which is just about a mile away. The sound of those Merlin engines still has the hairs up on the back of my neck. A real treat!