Sweet corn

I had planned to plant my sweet corn when I pulled up my broad beans. Broad beans have only just started to be picked - had my first feeding today! There is no taste like your own fresh picked broad beans - yum

Anyway, found a little square plot to plant out my sweet corn plants which were in danger of getting pot bound. These were a variety called "mini pop" I have not grown these before, the seeds were the same shape as popcorn, not the usual square shape. I am not sure if these will turn out to be mini corn - like the ones you put in stir fry, or if they will be pop corn, or ornamental - cannot see reference to them anywhere. Does anyone know them?

Sweet potatoes are thriving! I turned one out of its pot today to have a look at the root system. In only a week or so it has a very health root system and lots of new leaves. I think I will plant them out in the next couple of days, the soil has warmed right up now. It was 80degrees today, phew! The little I have read about the cultivation of sweet potato suggests that they are planted up on ridges - does anyone have suggestions?