After taking delivery of my sweet potato slips about a week ago, they are perking up nicely. Potted them straigh away and kept their bottoms warm in the propagator. The ground has been prepared and covered in black plastic and has been warming up for several weeks now. Will plant them out in about a weeks' time.
My poor old courgettes are not looking too clever. Planted them outside about 2 weeks ago, they look quite sickly in fact. Perhaps the nights have been a bit colder than expected. Today I popped a couple of seeds in the soil right next to them as an insurance policy. They are the variety "Defender" the seed was new this year and they are quite resistant to mosaic virus.
My cut and come again rocket and spicy salad mix are in full flood. Snip them off in bunches with a pair of scissors each day - wonderful tasty, hot salad leaves. Great for successional planting.
I am going to download something called Picassa onto my computer, I am reliably informed this will enable me to post piccies onto my blog. Hmmmmm