After having bagged up all my summer compost, I set to work clearing the garden and building a new compost heap, layers of kitchen compost, straw, grass cuttings, horse manure and garden waste. I sprinkled the layers with some sulphate of ammonia just to really get it going. Watered it well with a bucketfull of re-cycled tea and coffee.... and covered with 3 carpets. The garden is looking pretty tidy at the moment, I have an aching back but I am well pleased.
Cheeky pumpkin
After having bagged up all my summer compost, I set to work clearing the garden and building a new compost heap, layers of kitchen compost, straw, grass cuttings, horse manure and garden waste. I sprinkled the layers with some sulphate of ammonia just to really get it going. Watered it well with a bucketfull of re-cycled tea and coffee.... and covered with 3 carpets. The garden is looking pretty tidy at the moment, I have an aching back but I am well pleased.