I spent the day hard at work down on the allotment today. First trip to a local farm to buy two straw bales, then down to the riding stables to load up with a heap of hot horse manure. My pumpkin patch has pretty much dried up now, and my biggest pumpkin was this one. It started life with this 'big hole' in the side and grew up and developed these two 'cheeks' either side of it.... let's leave it to your imagination.. shall we?
After having bagged up all my summer compost, I set to work clearing the garden and building a new compost heap, layers of kitchen compost, straw, grass cuttings, horse manure and garden waste. I sprinkled the layers with some sulphate of ammonia just to really get it going. Watered it well with a bucketfull of re-cycled tea and coffee.... and covered with 3 carpets. The garden is looking pretty tidy at the moment, I have an aching back but I am well pleased.