My beefsteak tomatoes are just beginning to ripen. It seems as if I have had a wonderfully long season this year. The first ripening at the beginning of June and it looks as if it will go right up to October or November this year. The varieties here are '
Marglobe' and the yellow
'Jubilee'. The latter is from the USA and has been awarded the 'all America seletion' which I might assume is the US equivalent of the RHS Award of garden merit? Does anyone know?

I hope you all understand the fascination with my compost heap. All summer I have been mixing and turning, this is a combination of lots of hot horse manure and lawn clippings. The heat produced was something incredible. I think I am going to bag this up for use, and start a new heap.

I spotted these the other day. I had planted about 9 varieties of climbing beans, these are 'lima' beans. I haven't grown these before, I'm not really sure what to do with them. I think they are like a white butterbean when shelled. Can anyone shed light on it for me?

I wasn't terribly impressed with my outdoor cucumber arch this year. I grew about 5 varieties of outdoor ridge cucumber. Not very prolific and didn't grow very tall. The same varieties in the greenhouse have been fantastic. I think I'll stick to the indoor varieties like
Telegraph next year.

I just planted out some Winter spinach seedlings this week. I find it more reliable to plant seeds in modules in the greenhouse, then grow on to a fair size before planting out. I think these are the old reliable '