I took the protective netting off my brassicas today to do some weeding. Hardly any caterpillar damage this year, so it has worked well. There was, however some slug and snail damage to the hearts forming on my cabbages. This variety pictured is '
protovoy' a small version of a savoy cabbage. I have not grown them before but they come highly recommended.

Last weekend I took a break from the rugby match (which was getting tedious) and threaded these toilet rolls on to the bottom of my leeks. They had been planted in a trench during the Summer, then earthed up so there should be a good 12" of blanched stem. I find that this addition just lightens a few more inches of stem and keeps it clean. By the way, Wales decided to score a whole load of tries and pep up the match while I wasn't watching. Great match.

I took delivery of a fresh batch of composting worms this week. Ordered them online from
Wiggly Wigglers. I was thinking of placing some between two slices of bread for an amusing April 1st blog picture....