Happy Birthday Ted!
Pumpkin Update
What a difference one week can make! Last week I was sharing with you my pumpkin problems,
And each day since then they have doubled in size.
From a golf ball,
To a football! These are going to turn into beautiful dark orange pumpkins, Rouge Vif D'Etamps.
This week in London the heat and sunshine has really turned up, culminating yesterday in the hottest day so far this Summer. Obviously this has really suited my pumpkins. As I speak however, 2240hrs I am listening to torrential rain and flash-bang thunder and lightening outside. That will save me having to water tomorrow then!!
A Good year for Blackberries
Has anyone noticed how many blackberries are around this year?
It seems to me as if there is a real glut this year, the hedgerows are loaded with them, and the blackberries in my garden are just fantastic.
The Fruits of my Toil
OK, OK so Matron doesn't do flowers.... but here is one very rare exception to the rule.
You see, a friend gave me the seedlings and he wouldn't take no for an answer... so as not to avoid hurting his feelings... I grew them. 8ft tall and still growing - beautiful aren't they?
Here is Fort Knox, Stalag Luft Hillingdon, Colditz.. whatever you call it here is my latest construction to keep the pests off my broccoli. Let the battle begin!
Above is an Acorn Squash - Table Queen.
And here is a squash Delicata - which I understand is also known as a sweet potato squash.
These are a bush tomato I am growing in a hanging basket - variety Garden Pearl.
Just a couple of snaps to illustrate some of the watering problems that exist.. above has split due to overwatering.
And here is a classic case of blossom end rot.. due to erratic or underwatering when the tomato was small. I think I have had some blockage problems in the tubing in my automatic watering system in the greenhouse. I have just undone it all, flushed it through, cleaned it and put it together again. Lets see what happens.
A Pumpkin Dilemma
This is what I am aiming for this year! A beautiful big, round, red pumpkin. This is the variety I am growing this year Rouge Vif D'Etamps - seed kindly donated by Petunia (the shoes on the left!
And so far it looks like all I am getting is this!
Here's the dilemma - I realise that my wonderful trailing pumpkin leaves cannot support an infinite number of mature pumpkins, but most of my little yellow pumpkins are just withering and rotting. A few weeks ago I counted a total of about 10 female flowers on one vine - I know they will not grow into 10 giant pumpkins, but who decides?
I've been watering and feeding the plants and the leaves and stalks look fantastic, but the little pumpkins nearest the root are withering and dying, the ones at the end of the growing tip seem to be OK. Are there rules to this phenomenon? Should I thin them out?
The Sex life of Plants
This is my climbing courgette 'Black Forest' I have t be pretty regular with tieing the stem up a trellis every couple of days but it has been quite prolific, and by far the best so far. It is 5 foot tall and still climbing now.
My sweet corn is going great guns... now down to the sex part... at the top of the corn stalk is the flowering part. From this falls the male pollen...
This male pollen is blown by the wind, hopefully downwards until it reaches....
The female parts.. her silky bits are just showing from the top of the growing corn cob. The male pollen has to fertilise the female silks, then at the end of each silk will grow a lovely sweet corn kernel. This is why sweetcorn must be grown in blocks together and not in rows. A block of sweet corn will enable all the female cobs to be fertilised in an orgy of pollen.
The photo above is a male pumpkin flower. His pollen will have to reach....
The female pumpkin flower.. it usually does! Some times if you are growing crops indoors or you want to be sure of good pollination you can artificially pollinate a female flower with a male flower. This one is my lovely 'Rouge vif D'Etamps' pumpkin. This is what my blogging friend Hx called 'pimping my pumpkins'
Day by Day
News from the Greenhouse
Just look at these! Over the past couple of days I noticed that my tomatoes had changed from a green colour, to a paler green, and now for definite there are signs of ripening.
This is phenomenally early for a beefsteak type tomato which usually fruit later in the Summer. This is a new variety this year from the Thompson & Morgan catalogue, it is 'Country Taste' - I will leave it to ripen really well, apparently the lycopene levels in tomatoes rise substantially the longer you leave them to go really ripe on the plant.
An Amazing Day!
Today was amazing! please excuse for going off topic for a moment.
I took Buddy to the RSPCA Annual Rescue dog show today... and he walked off with the top prize!
Food for Free
Let me introduce you to a book which I have used and owned for about 30 years.
If you are sick and tired of those pesky weeds which just grow and grow in the garden this time of year, then this book will give you a fresh way of thinking about them. For example, you can pick and steam chickweed, shepherds purse, nettles and even ground elder! Loads of exciting new ideas for hedgerow searching. See if you can find a copy.
International Kidney
Fourth of July in London
More from Matron's Trugblog!
More late entries greatfully received for Matron's TRUGBLOG. I am so pleased to present this offering from Scarecrow's Garden down there in South Australia. Of course it is Winter down there in the Southern Hemisphere, so this Winter trug makes a welcome change of scenery.

One last look at those tomatoes before I nab them!
Another late entry from the Weekend Farmer who sent this lovely basketful from the USA. Wishing you a happy July 4th Celebrations this week.

Stan my blog-mentor was bemoaning the fact that I hadn't included the photo of his raspberries.. well here you are!
Finally, a wonderful selection from Our patch of earth in beautiful Bedford. Such wonderful colours, beautifully arranged.

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