Just look at these! Over the past couple of days I noticed that my tomatoes had changed from a green colour, to a paler green, and now for definite there are signs of ripening.

This is phenomenally early for a beefsteak type tomato which usually fruit later in the Summer. This is a new variety this year from the Thompson & Morgan catalogue, it is
'Country Taste' - I will leave it to ripen really well, apparently the lycopene levels in tomatoes rise substantially the longer you leave them to go really ripe on the plant.

Meanwhile elsewhere my potted sweet pepper seems to be making an effort too!

You can see that her little Sisters are not far behind either!

Going great guns in the greenhouse are these
Moneymaker tomato. Still no signs of red spider mite following my treatment with a natural pest control a few weeks ago. Awaits the acid test in August when things really heat up in there.