Summer Pickling
One of my favourite pickles to make this time of year is Piccalilli. The ingredients will be found in plenty on your allotments this time of year. It takes a little bit of preparation but the results are well worth it. You will need 6lb of assorted chopped vegetables which may include; cauliflower, beans, carrots, corn, marrow or courgette, pumpkin, onions. Soak all these chopped vegetables in salted water (brine) overnight. When you're ready to make the pickle, rinse and drain the veggies.
You will need 3 pints of white vinegar, to which you add 6 teaspoons of mustard powder, 2 teaspoons of ground ginger and 9oz sugar. Bring the vinegar up to the boil then add the veggies and simmer for 20 minutes. Lift out the veggies from the vinegar and pack them into warm, sterilized jars.
Put 4 teaspoons of ground turmeric and 2 tablespoons of plain flour in a bowl and mix with some cold water to a paste. Gradually add spoonfulls of the hot vinegar until all the flour is blended. Mix the paste into the hot vinegar and boil to thicken for about 2 minutes. Pour the hot sauce over the veggies in the jars. Agitate the jars gently to get rid of air bubbles. Seal the lids. This is ready for use immediately, but will keep for ages. Enjoy!