Mildew and Blight!
It is to be expected this time of year in most veggie gardens that you will experience powdery mildew on many of your plants. I find it most common on the curcurbit family, courgettes, cucumbers and pumpkins.
It is not nice to look at but it doesn't usually effect the vegetables which are coming to the end of their season anyway. Early in the season you can inhibit the start of powdery mildew by making your own home made spray from 1tsp baking soda, 1 quart water, few drops of liquid soap.
We've also had such a wretched Summer here in England, the wettest, gloomiest August in living memory. I suppose it is to be expected that my tomatoes have been effected by blight. Nothing you can do about it. Salvage what you can and under no circumstances should you put the green stuff in your compost. Throw it away or send it to the council green waste where their hot heap compost heap will destroy the pathogens. Your own small heap will not get hot enough.