Delighted to Eat You!!
Matron is back!
I made a new lobster friend while visiting Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia last week..
Visited some local markets wherever I went, these beautiful cauliflowers were grown on the Island of Orleans just a few miles from Quebec City, Canada.
So were these delicious Mcintosh apples. They were the shiniest apple I have ever seen!
I came across an amazing beefsteak tomato which is grown locally in Quebec. Incredible when you consider that last Winter the locals had more than 30 feet of snow!! I bought one home with me so that I can save seed and grow some next year. I will try to find out what the variety name is. I asked a grower and the name sounded like De-lor.... or something like that. Enquiries continue.
This gravestone speaks for itself. A very moving visit to the Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia.