Out in the Sunshine
There's not a lot of room in the titbox today! It looks as if my great t**s are just about ready to fly the nest. This bold little fellow decided to take a peek out into the big wide world today.
He didn't seem to mind that I stepped closer to the box when the parents had flown away for a minute to find them more food. Two adult birds are flying to and from the nest at 3 minute intervals, I am not sure how many t**s there are in the box.
It appears that my previous post entitled 'Matron's T**s' may have been the reason for the blogger computer flagging my blog as spam. Perhaps the computer may have misunderstood my wonderful bawdy inuendo, or my 'double entendres'. British bloggers may have twigged by now that my nickname 'Matron' has been given to me because of my 'meat and two veg' sense of humour inspired by the 'Carry On' films...