strawberries have started to ripen! The problem is keeping them away from the pests! If they are not subjected to an assault from below from woodlice and slugs, then the birds will have a go! The biggest predator by far however, is my dog Buddy! I caught him red-handed - or red-pawed! grrr
The redcurrants just keep coming year after year. The
redcurrant bush is underneath the Bramley tree and in quite a bit of shade. They are quite fiddly to pick and prepare and quite acid to taste. Not my favourite fruit but they make a useful addition to the summer pudding!
This iceberg lettuce is amazing. Normally I wouldn't touch an
iceberg lettuce bought from a supermarket or in a salad - they do nothing for me. Home grown iceberg lettuce is another kettle of fish altogether. This is crispy, crunchy and full of flavour. Still battling the slugs though!
I grew these
spring onions 'White Lisbon' from seed. Planted the seed in bunches in small modules then planted them out. I grew them in bunches spaced apart, and I pick them in bunches. I had forgotten how wonderfully hot and pungent freshly grown spring onions are! phew!
New Zealand spinach has been planted out now. It is quite a tender, succulent plant and does well in a dry, sun-baked spot. Apparently it creeps and spreads over the ground. So far it is doing OK, but we need a bit more sun here to get it going, I think.
gooseberries 'Invicta' are plentiful this year. Mine need to be thinned out now. Gooseberries are one fruit that you can eat, even at this size! I am going out to thin the gooseberries to enable them to grow big. The thinnings can certainly be used in a pie or crumble. Yum!
There is nothing quite like a gooseberry crumble!