Tropical Treats
Last Winter I discovered a new treat! I found these fresh flowers/fruits in a West Indian shop. These are the product of a tropical hibiscus flower and they are used all over the West Indies and other parts of the world to make a wonderful syrup.
These are known as roselles, or sorrell or just hibiscus. They are full of beneficial nutrients which have recently been found to have blood pressure and cholesterol lowering properties.
I have made a lovely warming drink with these dried flowers, add ginger, cinnamon, star anise and clove along with hot water and brown sugar (and a tot of rum). If you go along to Bangchik and Kakdah's blog 'My Little Vegetable Garden' (see link right) you will see them growing fresh.
Do you remember this little fellow? BILBO has been travelling the world via garden bloggers for more than a year now! He spent Christmas in Lund, Sweden, and I am thrilled to announce that he has just arrived with Bangchik and Kakdah in Putrajaya, Malaysia for a tropical trip round their garden. Pop over and see his exploits!