There are many traditional planting dates for seeds and tubers throughout the growing year on the allotment. One such tradition is that of sowing your onion seeds on Christmas Day.

Well, I was busy cooking Christmas dinner on the 25th, so the sowing of my
Bedfordshire Champion onion seeds has had to wait till now.

I always try to do something new each year, try a new variety or grow something unusual. I have never managed to get around to planting onion seeds till now so I thought I'd give it a go. Most often I grow onions from sets, but I thought I'd give this a go.

This is supposed to be a show variety, and a good old fashioned English favourite, so I'll see if they come to anything.

Must let you all know that my
Brussels Sprout 'Bosworth' had the most wonderful flavour! Really fresh and sweet. Highly recommended.