New life is showing down in the greenhouse! My fresh
Bishop's Kiss chilli seed has germinated this week. It is in a heated propagator at the moment. It is good news to see the gardening year getting off to a start.

Generally, it is much too soon to be sowing most of my seeds, but chillis and peppers need such a long growing season in our British climate that it can be beneficial to get them off to an early start as long as they have heat and sufficient light so as not to get spindly.

I sowed the
Bedfordshire Champion onion seeds on 26th November, and they are doing quite well. Some of them I have pricked out into single modules already to try to get some early growth on them. This is how it is done for the show bench, but I have no such ambitions. I have not grown onions from seed before, so this will be interesting to compare to those that I have grown from sets.

In a couple of weeks' time I might sow a few early tomato seeds in the propagator. I don't think it achieves anything by planting too early. They always catch up in the end!