Matron's Alternative Royal Wedding

Just a few suggestions which a Royal bride might like to consider in her Wedding bouquet? Have you ever seen a Medlar flower? Well you have now! Stunning aren't they?

Amazing white flowers, some as big as 2" across, with lush green foliage.

This year is going to be a glut of a year for strawberries if these flowers are anything to go by. I've never seen so many flowers on my strawberries in all the time I've had them!

Or perhaps a Royal bride might choose these stunning crimson flowered broad beans. Exotic and the most amazing colour.

Or have you seen brussels sprouts flowers before? The bees simply love them.

Or chive flowers? Just the thing for a little posy for a bridesmaid perhaps?

Or how about some purple podded peas? Whatever she chooses, they will be equal to these beauties! I wonder if there are any veggie florists out there? hmmmm a business opportunity perhaps?