Another kind donation for my collection of Black veggies this year was from Kath at Veg Heaven, these Croatian Black Beans have shot up and have been planted out in a container up against a trellis on a shed. They look really healthy!
This Early Purple garlic is enjoying the full sun this year. I am making sure it is well fed and watered in this dry patch.
Another addition to my Black veggies this year is this Shetland Black potato which poked its head above the soil this week.
I planted my squash and pumpkin seeds this week. I have learnt over the years that planting curcurbits too early is a false economy because they are really set back if the temperatures are too cold for them. They stop growing and never really recover, some of these are;
Black Beauty courgette,
Dalizia cucumber,
Queensland Blue pumpkin,
Hunter butternut squash,
yellow straightneck squash,
crown prince pumpkin.
A few tomatoes will have the luxury of a cozy home inside my greenhouse this year, I am particularly looking forward to these Pink Berkeley Tie Dye tomatoes which Dan sent to me from his Urban Veggie Garden. Can't wait to see these multi-coloured beefsteak tomatoes!
Sugar cane is doing really well in the full sun! I planted these bits of cane in a shallow tray of sandy compost, but the roots are coming out of the base now. I think I will pot these up into a terracotta pot and let it send roots down. I'll find a sunny spot on the patio and let it grow free!
Other peas here, my Hurst Greenshaft are doing well. I have been collecting twiggy peasticks on my morning walks with Leo. Leo thinks that all sticks are his playthings and I doubt all of these will remain in place for much longer!
and on the subject of Leo
I thought I would take a cute picture of Leo holding a flag last Friday for the Royal Wedding.
But he had other ideas....