Leo had his first hydrotherapy session today! Swimming will build up muscle around his joints to help with the arthritis. What a star!
A canine physiotherapist showed him round the pool for the first circuit, then he discovered that tennis balls float!! He was like a torpedo after that, zooming up and down the pool like a shark! Fearless! my hero! He loved it - we are definitely going again. You can see some more photos of Leo's swim on
Matron's Dogblog.
Anyway, back to the veggies.
Gooseberries are developing nicely after all this lovely warm sunshine. I just hope I can keep those pesky sawflies at bay for long enough.
It is going to be a bumper year for
strawberries this year. I've never seen so many, I have put down the straw to help keep them clean and dry. Out with the netting so that hungry blackbirds and labradors don't steal them.
Only a few days ago these were just flowers waiting to be pollinated. Again the bees have enjoyed this warm, sunny weather and they have done their job.
Pumpkins and squashes have been romping away. They really put on a growth spurt in the past couple of days. I am hardening them off outside during the days and they might be ready to plant out soon.