Matron at Chelsea - Part 2
Cheering to see this exhibit of a programme by the RHS to encourage children in schools to grow fruit and veggies in a garden or in a growbag. Matron herself started her allotment career planting Radish 'French Breakfast' on my Dad's allotment.
It looks as if the next generation of allotmenteers are well on their way if the photo above is anything to go by.
You could still catch a glimpse of Alan and Joe up in their BBC studio, high above the showground.
What a stunning display from Trinidad and Tobago here. If you love chocolate, then you will love these cocoa pods on their amazing stand.
One of the main show gardens was the M&G Garden designed by Bunny Guinness (the only Bunny safe to be let loose round these lettuces!) Mostly edible fruit and veg, but I was left thinking that in order to grow lovely big veggies, you have to get your spacing right. In the real world you would never be able to grow such lovely spinach, chard, black kale in such cramped and confined spaces. These plants were obviously raised in the right conditions then crammed into this show garden. In the real world, I don't think this would work. But hey! it's only a show garden and I should be thankful that veggies are getting their share of the limelight at last!
The B&Q sponsored garden built a big tower block to illustrate how you can be self sufficient if you live in a tower block in London. Yeah! if all you needed to eat in 12 months was a handful of cherry tomatoes! Great idea! But again, if it inspires people to make the effort to have a go for themselves then why not!