I dug up just one plant of my late maincrop
Pink Fir Apple potatoes. An amazing yield! one plant filled this plastic seed tray! Fairly knobbly, and some of the tubers resemble the shape of Jerusalem Artichokes. This can make them a bit difficult to clean and prepare, but there is a
cross breed potato called Anya which is less knobbly. It is a cross between
pink fir apple and
Desiree. You can see Anya for sale in the supermarkets.

The catalogues state that this variety as a late maincrop is ready in October! Well, like many crops this year it appears to be 2 months early! The plant growth above the ground has been approaching
4ft tall and I had to stake them in order to prevent them falling over and covering other crops. We've had some good sunshine and some good rain this season, it is a good year for potatoes for me.

The taste and texture are simply amazing! A really firm, waxy potato with an amazing flavour. These are headed for a potato salad today!

Whilst weeding, I also uncovered a monster beetroot! This was growing among my long,
Cylindra beetroot. Perhaps it was a stray seed! I think I am going to try pickling beetroot, I think I will invent pickled beetroot in horseradish vinegar... how does that sound?