A very common complaint this time of year is that courgettes (or Zucchinni as Americans call them!) just grow too darn fast! I know that 3 days ago I picked a whole trugfull, and today I picked another whole trugfull! Anyway, these pictured above are
Black Beauty courgettes. Another part of my Buddy Morris veggie garden!

And these slightly lighter colour are my old favourite
Defender courgettes. I like them because they are incredibly prolific and resistant to mosaic virus. So what am I going to do with all these lovely veggies?

I am pickling them! just sliced and salted for a few hours to take away some of the excess moisture, then rinse and dry them. The removal of some of the moisture enables the spiced vinegar to penetrate and keep them nice and crisp when they are pickled.

Pack them into sterilized jars. I found a great Kosher Dill Pickle mix in the USA, basically it is sugar, salt and spices. You know that lovely taste you get with dill pickles? These are heavenly!

I think here in the UK it is hard to find, but I will go exploring in some Jewish areas of North London, like Golders Green. They are sure to sell it there.

But while I was sitting outside preparing my courgettes... a thief sneaked up beside me...

He ate the whole thing!!