This picture was taken just a year ago! My lovely Buddy did enjoy eating his veggies around my patch, so this year I decided to grow a variety of 'Black' veggies in his name. A fitting memorial.
Courgette Black Beauty. Buddy adored eating cooked courgettes, he was a very calm and placid fellow, but he got a wild look in his eye if you were eating courgettes!
Shetland Black maincrop potatoes. Interesting to look at, fun to grow, but they fell apart on cooking and the taste was bland.
Japanese Black Trifele Tomato. A wonderful taste and extremely prolific. A wonderful discovery.
Croatian Black Bean. A climbing bean, beautiful mauve flowers. I think these are going to mature a month or so later than my other beans. Very useful to have a succession. Tender and tasty.
Salford Black Runner Bean. A bit of an iffy start, poor germination, but I am harvesting oodles of runner beans now from just 4 plants. Lovely and tender, great taste. I will be sure to keep seeds from these.
Blackberries, originally a wild pest at the end of the garden, now harnessed as a prolific fruit crop. Pruned quite heavily last year and has paid dividends. Huge, sweet blackberries this year.

Well, you can't win them all! Learning from failures is just as important. This was
Cavalo Nero or
Tuscan Black Kale. Looking pretty awful at the moment, hopefully will recover over the Winter and might give me some lovely tasty leaves next year. Damn those butterflies.