Yesterday, I couldn't resist any longer! A neighbour has the most wonderful crabapple tree in her front garden. Crabapple trees are useful for pollinating fruit trees as they have a long flowering period which covers a longer period than most apple trees. You will usually find a crabapple tree at the end of an orchard row.
Crabapple jelly is really easy to make. Wash and cut up the crabapples, then cover them with water, add the juice of a lemon and bring to the boil for about 30 minutes. Then put the apples and juice into a muslin or cheesecloth bag and leave to drip for several hours. Do not squeeze the bag or the jelly will end up cloudy. For each pint of juice you get, add one pound of sugar. Boil up the jelly until setting point is used. Put one spoonful of the jelly on a cold plate and leave in the fridge or freezer for 5 minutes. A finger pulled through this will tell you if the jam has set enough. When ready, seal into warm, sterilized jars. Enjoy!