I am so pleased with these
beetroot 'Cylindra'. The tip of the plant just stays in the soil and the top just gets taller and taller and eventually they lie on their sides or they prop each other up in a huddle! Really great to slice them when they are cooked too!

I am still picking gluts of multi coloured tomatoes too. This batch filled to the top of the pressure cooker and is reducing down to sauce as we speak.

Not all of them go for paste, there are still plenty to enjoy drizzled in olive oyl, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. I will savour this moment and remember it next February when the supermarkets are offering their pathetic, pale offerings.

I have picked some of the pumpkins as the vines have died back completely. Others I am leaving on the plant as long as possible. These will be left to
'cure' in a warm, dry place. The skins need to harden in order to keep them through the Winter. These blue squash are good Winter keepers.