Having an Appley Weekend!
It really is an apple extravaganza of a weekend! At the RHS Wisley they are having a Taste of Autumn festival to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the first Bramleys Seedling apple.
Of course, no Autumn show would be complete without a spectacular display of pumpkins and squash. Every conceivable variety you could think of, and experts on hand to answer any veggie questions.
You can see the lovely pale blue Crown Prince squash in the foreground, and the unmistakable Turks Turban squash below.
A veritable feast for the eyes and gives me ideas of which varieties I might like to grow in the future.
The Autumn show at Wisley also offers a free apple identification service, you take along at least 3 apples from a tree and the expert will identify the variety for you. This is no mean feat when there are thousands of apple varieties to chose from.
For Matron, no trip to Wisley is complete without a stroll through the fruit orchard. All those windfall apples...seems a shame to leave them there... a few may or may not have been 'liberated' from their fate! This is my favourite place to be at this time of year!
A few of these windfalls did make their way back home with Matron!
Finally, not to be outdone, my local fruit orchard Home Cottage Farm had their open day yesterday. Local producers and growers must be supported, so I did. These are the last of an amazing crop of Cox's apples. A real testament to the reasons why you must eat fruit and veg which are produced in season, and not stored in a refrigerator for 6 months then transported round the other side of the world. These apples were heavenly!