Making Piccalilli
This has to be one of my regular Summer and Autumn pickle rituals! I had a bit of a brainwave as I was chopping the vegetables this week. I went for a walk in the garden and found these hot, mustard tasting nasturtium seeds! It seemed like a match made in heaven, they were just the right size too!
Soak the chopped veggies in brine overnight, then rinse and dry them. Simmer them for 20 minutes in white vinegar which has been spiced with sugar, dry ginger and mustard powder. Lift the veggies out of the vinegar and pack them into jars.
Thicken the boiling vinegar with a paste made from flour and turmeric. Bring to the boil for about 2 minutes till it thickens. Pour the yellow vinegar paste over the veggies in the jar. Did you know that turmeric is extremely useful in the kitchen as an antiseptic powder which stops bleeding if you cut your finger? It is also rumoured to prevent brain deterioration in old age!