An Indian Summer?
London has been enjoying some unseasonably warm weather in the last few days. Almost up to 70degrees at times, which has encouraged my Autumn sown Isle of Wight Garlic to show its shoots! Just enough warmth encourages the seed clove to put down roots and send up a shoot. I think I will cover the patch with a bit of fleece in Winter just to keep the worst of the weather off.
Meanwhile indoors I have given pride of place to my lovely red Rouge vif D'etamps pumpkin. Ted Senior has been keeping an eye on it too!
Once every 5 weeks I get a half day from work, and whilst in central London I have been playing 'Tourist in my own Town' resolving to visit London landmarks I have not seen for 40 years. I am only a stones' throw from some world class attractions so why not join the masses.
Westminster Abbey just seems a lot smaller inside than you imagine.
Poets Corner, Newton's Tomb, the Coronation chair (minus the stone of scone) well worth a visit.
Then my legs took me to St Pauls Cathedral where I climbed up hundreds of steps to the Whispering Gallery, then up another hundred or more steps to the stone gallery viewing point, then up another hundred or so steps to the gold gallery right at the top. From here you can see all round London. Pictured above is the Central Criminal Court otherwise known as the 'Old Bailey' you can just about see the sword of truth in her right hand and the scales of justice in her left.