Welcome to Matron's Christmas Veggie blog. It is quite a challenge to grow anything at this time of year, so thank you to everyone who sent a photo. Here's what's on the menu in your neck of the Christmas woods! Well this lovely plate of citrus fruits was sent in from the
Estudio Campana in sunny Almeria, Spain.

Many thanks to Stacy at
Plot number 58 for this lovely Cavalo Nero. This is a wonderful Winter crop, just perfect for the Christmas Dinner plate.

Jane sent in this beautiful
Swiss Chard. This is one of my favourite Winter veg, it brightens up any plot right the way through to Spring.

And what a feast from
Scarecrows Garden down in the Southern hemisphere. Christmas dinner in Australia must be a very colourful event.

And here is Matron's own offering, these
Jerusalem artichokes are a bit smaller this year. They are such an invasive pest if you don't keep them under control. I have been picking stems and stalks all year to try to keep them under control. That said, I just adore the flavour - and now that I work from home I don't have to worry about the antisocial consequences from eating bowls full of these...
Rob from Birmingham sent in these lovely brassicas,
Gloire de Portugal. Really fresh green leaves are a real delicacy on the Christmas table, freshly picked and steamed. Bon appetite.

Jeffrey from the
Eagle Close allotments sent this lovely selection of squashes and pumpkins. I keep meaning to try growing spaghetti squash (left) I must put it on my list for next year.

Serious congratulations to Jennifer for her first ever attempt at growing potatoes!! Once tasted you are hooked on growing your own .. forever. This variety
California White.
What a wonderful trugful of veggies. Thanks to Kay at
Gardening Tools.
Beautiful photos of beautiful veg on the Christmas Table at
Kelli Boyles Garden.
What Christmas dinner would be complete without fantastic home grown parsnips. Bon Appetite goes to Nome at the
Nome Grown blog.

A fresh crop of Oca from the
Oca testbed blog. Fresh and in season right now! Thank you Ian for adding wonderful variety to my Christmas Veggie blog.

Jeffrey at the
Eagle Close allotments has inspired me to attempt more green salad in Winter. These
pea shoots are decorating the best plates in the best restaurants at the moment!

What a beautiful still life painting this would make! Thanks to Peggy from her
Organic Growing Pains blog in Cork, Ireland for this festive fare. I just adore brussels sprouts!

red Cabbage from Orlaith. This is an essential ingredient in Matron's Christmas Dinner, just steamed with apple, onion, vinegar, cloves and seasoning. Brilliant!

And my lovely
blog-mentor Stan for starting me off on this blog-quest all those years ago. Inspired! Wishing you all a
Veggie Christmas!