The allotment is really starting to produce food these last few days. Look at these beautiful
purple podded peas. Just perfect to eat raw, just as they are. I am going to save some seed for next year, this is an old heritage variety kindly swapped with
Celia early this Spring.

Just enough harvest today to fill a small trug. I am picking my globe artichokes quite small so that the blackfly do not have time to establish. They are delicous just steamed and I ate them this afternoon with nothing on....... The new potatoes were much, much bigger than I imagined they would have been. I grew them in a bag in the greenhouse. The one remaining asparagus spear was steamed and given to my dog Buddy.. just for being a very good boy! The lettuce is from seed I bought in Norway, so they are very hardy.

I can leave you to only imagine the wonderful taste of freshly dug new potatoes. These are
'Rocket' which are described in the catalogue as ultra-early. I ate these steamed with fresh mint and smothered in butter!

More new potatoes dug today. We've had so much warm weather and loads of rain over the past few weeks that they have come on leaps and bounds. This variety is
'Red Duke of York' - stunning.
In a few weeks' time I will be posting 'Matron's Trugblog' - this is just to give you some notice that I will be inviting readers to take a photograph of their garden trug filled with fresh grown produce. Please go out and take some photos every now and then and I will be asking you to send them to me and I will post the Trugblog in due course.