More Last Pickings!

I haven't been out to my greenhouse for a couple of weeks, much too gloomy and wet down there. For want of anything better to do today I ventured out there and found a wonderful late Autumn surprise. All the foliage of these Moneymaker tomatoes had died back but there were just about half a dozen still edible. Skins might be a bit thick, but the taste is the best I am going to get until next May. Likewise these Sungold-ish tomatoes..... You might remember earlier in the season I was having trouble ripening these tomatoes. Well, they never did ripen!! something in the genetics perhaps? but these were from seed which a couple of generations ago were Sungold F1 but they have reverted back into a larger, plum shaped tomato which does not ripen. Perhaps the big supermarkets would be interested in these... theirs never ripen properly either! They were like this back in June - Wow! a 6-month shelf life!
They are vaguely edible, if you like them sharp! I might splash out next year and buy some F1 seeds.