I made a really good swap this week! I was talking to a friend who lives down in Hampshire and she mentioned that she had managed to take several successful cuttings from a
pomegranate tree. I was fascinated to find out what her secret was.... she had no idea! She just struck the cuttings several years ago and they just all took! no idea why! We chatted some more about our gardens and she was envious that I just had so many side shoots from my
Japanese Banana plant - I didn't know what to do with them all.... so this week we agreed to swap a pomegranate for a banana. Everyone happy!
I must do some research and find out what sort of conditions these pomegranate trees enjoy!
These are some of my lovely crab apples! Believe it or not, this tree was bought 2 years ago in Lidl wrapped in a cheap cardboard box, for just £1.99.
Such a good year for apples of every description this year, so this little tree has done brilliantly. I managed to pick just a pound and a quarter of crab apples today, these were immediately turned into two lovely jars of jelly.
Just a glorious colour, and so filled with pectin that it only took 10 minutes of boiling to reach a set.