There is always so much pumpkin to use when you grow your own! You will find that a half of a pumpkin when it is dry roasted in the oven will produce only about 2 cups of puree. I sieved my roasted pumpkin and left it to drain excess water overnight and it halved in size.
Norfolk Million Pie is the old English recipe from East Anglia which was taken to the New World by the Pilgrim fathers and enjoyed at a first Thanksgiving meal when they arrived. I made one today, here's how it goes!
Line an 8" pie tin with pastry
One cup of sieved pumpkin puree (8oz)
6oz dark Muscovado sugar
3 eggs, beaten
5oz single (light) cream
ground nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon
2 tablespoons brandy (optional)
2oz dried fruit (sultanas)
2oz jam (apricot,plum or greengage)

Line the bottom of your pastry case with a layer of jam, then mix up all the other ingredients into a bowl. Do not be alarmed at the thin consistency, it will set. Pour the pumpkin pie mixture into the pastry case and grate more fresh nutmeg on the top if you want (I love nutmeg!).

Make a pastry lattice over the top of the pie with the leftover pastry bits. Put in a very hot oven gas *8 or 220C for just 10 minutes, then without opening the oven door turn down the heat to gas *3 or 170C for a further 35mins or until cooked.
