Last year I took delivery of a
'Musa Basjoo' the dwarf Japanese Banana. This variety is one of the hardiest and will survive the British Winter if it is protected. Last Autumn I cut the stem down to about 4ft tall and packed it round with straw and fleece and protected it from the Winter. It was a warm Spring day yesterday and I decided to see if it had survived.

So glad to report that it appears to have done well, one large green leaf has already started to grow up out of the tip, a little bit frostbitten at the tip, but healthy and waiting to grow.

I will keep this covered up for a few weeks' more just to ensure that the last frosts are over and that the leaves will not be damaged.

The very cold Winter weather over the past weeks has caused a little damage to this fruit, a little brown patches can be seen, but overall a wonderful testament to the thrill of growing your own fruit in your own garden! Delicious! Happy April 1st !