The season is underway!
Well, it is March already and many seed packets do state that you can plant in March! A bit too early to plant these potatoes outside, but I will plant a couple of them in a container in the greenhouse to force an earlier crop. These seed potatoes are 'International Kidney' or Jersey Royals if I lived on Jersey! They are seed potatoes which I saved myself last year. I put aside any new potatoes which had grown near the surface and were slightly green. They are perfectly alright for seed, and because they are an early new potato I had lifted them earlier in the season before any late Summer blight had hit. You can see that they are happily chitting away in an eggbox near a window in the shed.
I thought I would give something a try this year. So much hype about Goji berries in the press at the moment - supposed to be one of these wonderfoods filled with vitamins and antioxidants. Whatever the truth is, I thought I'd try planting some of the seeds. These little berries are filled with small seeds. I bought these dried berries in a Chinese shop, they were labelled as 'dried red medlar' but the latin name Lycium Barbarum confirmed that these are goji berries. Has anyone tried to grow these from seed?
Many many thanks goes to gintoino from jardim com gatos who replied to my request for dog beans - well here they are! I am currently studying to be a dog behaviourist - and I am thrilled to be able to grow these in my garden!
I am always having failures growing carrots in my garden. I think my London clay soil is too rich and too wet for carrots which either do not germinate at all, or which fork very badly. That said, I thought I would try these round carrots and see what happens. These are labelled 'Paris Market 5' - Sown in a sandy compost in a pot in the greenhouse for starters.