Tomato Library - Part 3
The final part of my tomato library for this year contains my last two varieties of 2009. This spectacular yellow beefsteak tomato Dixie Golden Giant was sent to me in a seed swap with Dan from his Urban Veggie Garden in Canada. Only this one seed germinated and I nursed this plant to full health in the greenhouse. What a spectacular colour. I will be saving seed from this one for sure!
This beefsteak tomato probably needs a few more days of sunshine to achieve it's full, dark colour. This is Noir du Crimee, I swapped seeds with Mas du Diable back in the Spring. The name translated means it is a black tomato from the Crimea, I assume this is related to varieties with names such as 'Russian Black'. I have several plants which are all doing exceptionally well in the British climate. I look forward to growing other varieties which hail from Russia and Eastern Europe. It seems that they do well in our climate too.