It dawned on me the other day that I should take notes and photos of some of the tomato varieties I grow. This one is from a tomato which was from seed brought back from the
Great Wall of China. I have swapped seeds from this variety, it certainly is prolific.

This one is from seed taken from a greenhouse tomato purchased in Quebec, Canada. There is a genetic breeding programme in Canada for suitable glasshouse varieties. It has performed brilliantly under glass for me. I think the name is something like
Den de l'or (French Canadian accent was hard to understand)
I'll definitely keep seed to grow this one again.

The picture below is a tomato shape called
Oxheart. I bought the seed in the Azores, it is called
Coracao de bois. Has done fairly well under glass, it is a lighter pink colour. Not done well outdoors at all. Probably a paste/cooking tomato.

And finally, my beloved
Sungold tomato. This is the earliest and sweetest tasting tomato for sure. It is an F1 hybrid and new seed has to be bought every year.

More varieties to come. These are the earliest greenhouse tomatoes. The others outdoors are still green.