Anyone for Sparrow Pie?
Did that get your attention? read on.. Once every 5 weeks I get off work early and decide to play 'Tourist in my own Town' Today I visited the new Ministry of Food exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth.
During World War 2 the British were encouraged to 'Dig for Victory' and a whole Government Department was set up to win the war on the home front! This is the most amazing exhibition, it runs till January next year. Highly recommended, the best thing I've seen in a long time.
You can see some of the inspiring statements that were issued. Seem a little dated now....
So if you were short of food during the war...
why not try roasted hedgehog.. or sparrow pie? An old man next to me at the exhibition told me that as a boy during the war he remembered eating hedgehog!!
After this I popped down the road to the National Garden Museum at Lambeth Palace. A fine collection of historic gardening implements. This is a sweet pea seed counter!
Well worth a visit if you are in Central London! They have a special exhibition at the moment about self-sufficiency and growing your own food. 'The Good Life'