Blossoming Blossoms!

Ahh Spring must be here! Beautiful apple blossoms are just bursting out down on my patch. These blossoms are on an early 'family' fruit tree.
My later Bramley apple is nowhere near out yet!
Just such a wonderful pink colour, aren't they?
The gooseberry plant 'Invicta' is just starting to form little flowers and berries. This time of year I scrape the soil underneath the plant and expose a little of the under layer of the soil. This is where the gooseberry sawfly may have overwintered their larvae. If you expose them now, they may make a welcome meal for some of your feathered friends - or even let your chickens have a peck around. You will be glad later on in the season when your plants are free of this pest!
My strawberries are starting to flower too. Keep them clear of weeds this time of year, give them a dressing of bonemeal too, but don't water them until after the fruit has set. Strawberries hate having their very fine roots in water.
Attention blog readers, this is my 599th post. Stand by for a blog special next post.....