Last of the Summer Vine!

Frost was forecast in parts of South England last night so I went around picking every last possible tomato, just in case. These are the ones to savour. When they are gone they are gone. Just tasteless supermarket obscenities from now on. These will be loved and appreciated.
I've been making an effort to have some produce over the Winter so many of my pots and containers have been planted with Winter salad leaves.
Of different shapes and colours. Attractive and edible!
Now, as regular blog readers will know - Matron does not do flowers! - but just every now and then some floral interlopers creep on to my patch. These lovely cheerful chappies are my Jerusalem Artichokes. Just getting ready to be dug up. Actually they are an awful pest - almost impossible to eradicate. I happen to love eating them so I struggle to keep them under control, but take heed of my wise words. If you do want to plant Jerusalem artichokes, think carefully where you will plant them. Just remember - like a rescue dog.. Jerusalem artichokes are not just for Christmas! they will be with you for a lifetime!
I pulled my small crop of Cylindra beetroot this afternoon. I love this shape of beetroot, they are so easy to handle, pick and slice.
I steamed them in the pressure cooker then peeled and sliced. Beautiful taste, and lovely tender texture. I was not alone in my appreciation of this gourmet treat....
Buddy loves beetroot!