I've had such an exciting day today, I think I am going to have to lie down for a nap before I leave again for dog training class tonight! Why? - I've been to the
RHS London Autumn Harvest Show. On today and tomorrow at Horticultural Halls, Westminster.

In the spectacular surroundings of the Art Deco exhibition halls, I was invited to a preview. Of course there were flowers there, so after taking a polite viewing, I made of to where my heart led me. To the veggie show!

Fantastic array of stands to view, including the hottest chilli in the world, the Dorset Naga.

Now, I have never entered a horticultural show, it is quite a cut-throat, competitive bun fight by all accounts.

And they take it very seriously indeed! Largely a male domain..

Is it stiffer, cleaner, thicker or longer than all the rest?

So the judges went round seriously with their clip boards and pencils at the ready.

An amazing display of fondled, tweezered, manicured and polished produce!

Size isn't everything you know boys!... I wonder what Dr Freud would have made of it?