There is nothing Matron likes better than home made strawberry jam.

Matron also likes a bit of crumpet.. providing that it is covered in home made strawberry jam.

It has been such an amazing year for strawberries that I couldn't resist making a batch. Not the easiest fruit from which to make jam, they have a low pectin content and a low acid content. Both of these elements are needed to get a good set. Here I used jam sugar which already has extra pectin added. I soaked the fruit in sugar for 24 hours. After this time the bowl was full of liquid as the sugar had drawn lots of water out of the strawberries. No added water was needed at all, though I did add some lemon juice to up the acidity.

So after some gentle boiling for a while the jam reached the setting temperature and was bottled up.

And labelled! Anyone for crumpets?