Tatties and Toms!
I dug some of my first Epicure new potatoes yesterday!
You can see from the photo that the shape of these is quite distinctive. They also have quite deep eyes which to some supermarkets and commercial growers makes them unsuitable for general sale. Well shame on them! This is, in my opinion, the tastiest potato you can get.
An old variety, an Ayrshire potato described in the catalogues as 'floury' (I strongly disagree) when these are newly dug and just washed over you will never get a tastier potato! Add it to your list for next year.
These tomatoes are doing well in pots on a sunny patio. You can see here the difference between the two different types of leaves that tomatoes can show. On the left is the Potato Leaf type tomato, this variety is Japanese Black Trifele. On the right is the Regular Leaf type, this one is Black Cherry.